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Poppies – Plein air 28 April 2024
To celebrate a beautiful morning, I’m going to try and capture the vibrance and joy of these poppies. I’ll work from direct observation: no photos, no technology, absolutely zero ai.

i scratched out a simple composition…I like the cluster of poppies in the foreground, then tall blades of grass, and poppies in the distance. A bee is floating between the different flowers. stay tuned to see if miss b makes the cut

All my big panels are in my studio, but I was lucky to have some little 6x8s laying around in my car. For this underpainting, I’ve used my biggest brush -to keep from getting lost in details…on my smallest panel size. it might not make sense right now, but color is what will hold this painting together…that’s the next step!!! Stay tuned!

Maybe it would be easier to work from a photo. the flowers are Constantly moving, blowing with the wind…and then the SUN moves too1-changing everything. But there is nothing like being outside + a part of the world I am trying to capture with paint. I *think* I have a color scheme worked out, but it keeps changing: at this point, I’m going to trust my eyes, and go with it!

the wind decided to obliterate one of my models!!!! oh the carnage!!!

Well, im truly a Sunday painter! What a nice way to start the day! In nature with my paints (and Facebook friends!!!). Hope you all have a great day! Pop goes the poppy!! 6×8 oil on panel
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