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Asparagus – plein air 24 April 2024
It’s lunch time, and these asparagus are ready to eat! It’s been a good year for asparagus so far, so I want to celebrate the bounty with a painting!

I have a composition worked out. The drawing on the left is close to the values (dark and light) I want to capture, but the sketch on the right is closer to the composition I want. I want to emphasize the height of the asparagus. A panoramic proportioned board will help. Ok painting time!

The underpainting is roughed out. I used a combination of yesterday’s leftover paint and some violet and Veridian (green). Now it’s time to put colors in!!!

I have a color scheme worked out. A lot of artists find GREEN to one of the more difficult colors to mix. Well, this is a green plant with a green background. I’m living my dream, and I am the one who picked this subject, so will try not to be a crybaby and complain.

Ok! That’s a wrap!!! I really want to title this “kiss my asparagus” what do you think? 6×12” oil on board

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