I got sick while in Mexico, so I got to experience their version of health care.
Estuve enfermo cuando en Mexico, entonces tuve la opportunidad ver su manera de atencion medica.
Nothing serious, but I had a cough for over a week, and thought I should see a doctor about some medicine. I was nervous, because I don’t have health coverage while in Mexico.
No fue serio, pero tuve un tosa durante mas que una semana, entonces piensé que debe ver un medico sobre algo medicina. estuve nervioso porque no tengo seguro de salud cuando en Mexico.

I went to this small clinic, where a doctor checked my temperature, blood pressure, eyes, ears, nose and throat. He asked a few questions about my symptoms and allergies, then wrote a prescription for 4 different medicines.
Fui a este clinica pequena, donde un medico vió a mi temperatura, presion de sangre, ojos, oidos, nariz y cuello. Me pidó unos preguntas sobre mi enfermadad y alergias, entonces me escribó un nota para 4 distinto medicinas.

There was a pharmacy next door, where I bought an albuterol inhaler, a decongestant, antihistimine, and antibiotic.
Hay un farmacia al lado, donde compré los medicinas.
This might look a little rustic compared to US health system, but it was professional, and sufficient, I am already starting to feel better—especially since the doctor’s visit AND medicine cost less than $20 USD.
Quizas parace poco rustico comparado con atencion medica de EEUU, pero fueron bastante y profesional. ya comenzo sentar mejor–especialmente porque la consultorio medico Y medicina costo menos que $350 MX.