Kiln Opening 13 September 2021

I’m no good at keeping secrets. My original idea was to keep these new handmade porcelain pottery a secret, and surprise in-person guests to my upcoming hybrid virtual/in-person exhibit at the Pendleton Art Center.

it’s been almost 6 months since my last kiln opening, and I couldn’t wait to show off the latest kiln firing.

I still don’t sell pots online, so you’ll have to come see me in-person to add one to your collection. I try to take the best photos I can, but a pot (especially porcelain) needs to be picked up and held to really ‘know’ if it’s the right one for you. Large plates are $80. Cups and the small sandwich sized plates are $40 each. They will be available to view, along with new paintings, at the Pendleton Art Center September 21 and 23 from 11am-7pm at studio 400 (4th floor) Send an email to make a reservation.

Swipe or click the arrows below to see all the pots


  1. Beth Akins Avatar
    Beth Akins

    Oh my!! These are fabulous!! I cancelled my trip this weekend because of Covid. Just felt like traveling in a car and overnight with others wasn’t best for me right now. Well, the day will come when I can be there in person ❤️❤️

    1. Thank you! Sorry I’ll miss you, but I’m not participating in the festival this weekend, so don’t feel like you are missing out. I’m fully vaccinated, but not ready to share air with the general public (especially in a small indoor cabin) while the pandemic is out of control, and there are so many unknowns about the delta variant. Hopefully we are close to the end of COVID and can get back to normal. Thanks!

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