Work in progress – squirrel plate

Sgraffito plate with squirrel and acorn decoration porcelain
Still need to carve small fur marks, but you should get the idea of the design

Stay tuned to see how it turns out!


  1. Beth Akins Avatar
    Beth Akins

    Oooh this might need to come live with me! You know my love got acorns!

    1. Thanks!!! Lets keep our fingers crossed that it makes it through the kiln…i’ll let you know! Thanks again1

  2. Jennifer Paolucci Avatar
    Jennifer Paolucci

    Hello! I was scrolling through your site after being referred through a friend on Facebook. Can you tell me if you have any of the cardinal mugs available or if not will you be making more at some point? They are lovely and remind me of my 92 year old mother who has always loved cardinals. I think she would really enjoy having one too! Thank you!

    1. Hi Jennifer! I don’t have any more cardinal mugs right now, but will have more in a month or so. I do have a cardinal bowl and sandwich plate available. You can see them in my most recent 2 firings. Thanks so much for your interest in my work! – ken

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