Morning painting view from covington

sketch of cincinnati skyline with photo of skyline in background

Painting the view of the city from covington. I like the cluster of old towers, and the ferris wheel in the foreground. Lots of interesting shapes. Im going to try a new pallette. Stay tuned. I will update this post as the painting progresses.

plein air underpainting of Cincinnati skylien
The composition and values are more or less worked out…time to start building up some colors
plein air painting of cincinnati's skyline with first colors being applied
Im starting to lay my colors down. I recently added brown to my palette, which is toning down my normally bright palette
Ken Swinson and Connie Sanders standing in front of the ohio river with the cincinnati skyline in the background
My friend, and photographer, Constance Sanders stopped by to visit, and make a short video of my work in progress.
Visit her website by clicking here:
plein air painting of downtown cincinnati with skyline in the background
Finished! Here it is!
plein air painting of cincinnati skyline with ferris wheel and freedom center, carew tower

this painting has already found it’s home. You can browse available plein air paintings by visiting my gallery, or clicking here


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