Plein Air Painting with Kay Schafer in Maysville, KY

My friend and artist, Kay Schafer asked if I could show her a few of my favorite painting spots in Maysville. We decided to make a painting day out of it!

Thought id start the morning painting this scene…ive never painted this church before, and the light is nice.

plein air underpainting of the church on market street in maysville kentucky
compositiom and values… Ready for color
im happy with how it finished
plein air sketch of the view of maysville kentucky from the ohio river
decided to paint maysville from the ohio side. Thought it would be landscape orientation, but after sketching, it told me that it wanted to be vertical
plein air underpainting of the view of maysville kentucky from the ohio river
values and composition worked out. I sure wish a boat would go by…
plein air painting of maysville kentucky from the view of the ohio river at aberdeen park ohio
Maysville ky – river town 6×4 1/2″ oil on panel

Thanks Kay far visiting my little river town. Showing a guest around always gives me a fresh perspective of my hometown.

artists ken swinson and Kay schafer painting the view of maysville kentucky from the ohio river pairk in aberdeen ohio


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