Some things I missed about Oaxaca – algos que extrañé sobre Oaxaca

I want to share some things from my first day in Oaxaca.
Quiero compartirte algos de mi primer dia en Oaxaca.
street art in Oaxaca, Mx - flor de pina

In Oaxaca, art is part of life. It is not only in houses and galleries, but also in the street
En Oaxaca, arte es parte de la vida. No es solo en casas y gallerias, pero tambien en la calle.

statue in corner of road in Oaxaca, MX
It is easy to find inspiration in such a beautiful city. Here is a quick sketch I made during my walk:
Es facil encontrar inspiracion en una ciudad tan belleza. Aqui es un dibujar rapido yo realizado durante mi caminar.

The sketch is a view from Xochimilco, a neighborhood with an organic market (every Friday and Saturday) in it’s church courtyard.
El dibujo es una vista de Xochimilco, un barrio con un mercado organico (cada Viernes y Sabado) en la patio de la inglesia.pochote organic market in Xochimilco

Oaxaca is world famous for their food. I was too busy to take pictures, but it could be the best in the world.
Oaxaca es famoso sobre el mundo para  su comida. estuve tanto ocupado grabadar fotos, pero es comida mejor en el mundo.

hospitality in oaxaca
It is great to see my friends again! They have welcomed me to their country, and it feels good to be at my home away from home.
Es grandioso ver mis amigos otra vez. Ellos me han dado bienvenido a sus pais, y siento bien estar a mi casa lejos de mi casa.

I also love the chance to speak Spanish. I was quickly reminded that I still have much to learn.  I hope the next 3 months will be  a great learning experience for me.
Yo siempre encanto la oportunidad hablar espanol. recordé muy rapido que todavia tengo mucho aprender.  Deseo que los 3 meses proximos estaran un experencia grande para me instruido. Category: mexico


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